
Otieno with Headmaster
Otieno is an orphan at JWHS children’s Home. He was referred to us by the school headmaster at Menengai Primary School. He is the only child living in his family. The father died in 1999 in Bondo District after a long illness with Aids. Otieno’s mother, Alice, moved to Nakuru due to poverty. Otieno and his sister went to live with their grandparents in 2002. In 2004 Otieno’s sister died. In 2005, his mother died after a long battle with Aids. The grandparents were left with 4-year-old Otieno. In 2006 he joined class one.
The grandparents were unable to provide education and uniform and other expenses for his daily needs. Food was a big problem and they were not sure of the next meal. Otieno came to JWHS the 20th of January, 2007. His grandfather had inquired and had taken him for the HIV testing and he was found to be Negative.
Otieno is in his third year at a Boarding High School. Boarding school is not uncommon in Kenya and an enormous rite of passage.
Thank you Trinity Church in Lenox, MA for your faithful sponsorship of Otieno.
Sponsors may:
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Skype with their child (planned dates);
Even visit their child!
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Call 1-207-930-8012 with your credit card information: request one full payment per year; automatic monthly payments, or contact us each month;
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Stop in at 39 Main Street 1B, Belfast Maine.
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